Pizza is a food originating from Italy that is much loved and sought after in Indonesia. Even though pizza is a foreign food, it does not rule out the possibility that this food is not known in Indonesia. Even for Indonesians, pizza is no longer unfamiliar. Because there are so many large restaurants circulating that serve this processed food menu.

Pizza business opportunity

The pizza business opportunity if run in a food business can bring in quite a profit, what's more, this business is relatively easy and can be run anywhere.

Currently the pizza business has quite profitable prospects when compared to other food businesses. Moreover, the target audience is from children to adults

Regarding capital, if the scale of the business you are running is extensive or large, the capital required is of course large. However, if the business is on a small scale, the capital required is not large. You can adjust the scale of your pizza business according to the budget you have.

Starting a business on a small scale does not allow the business to run smoothly or fail. In fact, if you start a business on a small scale, it will be easier to run it gradually while learning from the experiences that occur.

For those of you who want to run a pizza business easily, you must pay attention to the following important tips so that your business runs smoothly. You can see any important tips in the discussion below.

1. Pay attention to the quality of taste 

The first thing you have to pay attention to when running a pizza business smoothly is to pay attention to the quality of taste. The quality of taste can be seen from the taste of the pizza that is made. The better the taste of the pizza you make, the more popular the pizza business you run will be liked by the wider community.

If you are a pizza business who is still a beginner, you should try as hard as possible to produce delicious and high-quality pizza by paying attention to the basic ingredients and recipe. We will discuss the basic ingredients, recipe and how to make it in the next topic.

2. Pay attention to the appearance of the pizza

The next important tip is to pay attention to the appearance of the pizza. In general, pizza has a round appearance and to make the pizza look more attractive you have to make sure the appearance of the pizza is good, neat and not damaged or destroyed. Apart from that, if you make pizza, don't let it burn or burn on the bottom surface because it will make it unpleasant and bitter.

3. Pay attention to taste choices

Flavor choice is often a priority in getting the most liked pizza. As a pizza businessman, you must be able to serve a variety of flavor choices so that people don't get bored and fed up with the taste of the pizza they serve. The more variations in taste, the more consumers will come to buy. You can innovate by adding several new flavors that have never existed before, so that your pizza business opportunities become greater

4. Provide Many Sizes

The fourth tip that you need to pay attention to is to pay attention to the size choice. Serve pizza in several size choices such as mini pizza. Create various size creations so that buyers can choose their respective portions.

5. Pay attention to packaging

The next thing you have to pay attention to is the pizza packaging that will be served. If you sell pizza, you should serve it in 2 options, namely packaging for slices and packaging. Choose quality packaging materials so that the pizza you serve looks good. Don't forget to add the brand to the packaging. Include a telephone number so that it is easier for each customer to order

6. Pay attention to prices

Prices are one of the sensitive things among people when they want to get food, drinks, goods and much more. Everyone who wants to get processed food definitely wants delicious food at an affordable price. As a pizza businessman, you have to adjust the price of pizza to the market price. If you serve a more expensive pizza, you can serve it on the menu, because the quality of the price will affect the taste of the pizza served.

7. Opening a Branch

You can open branches in other areas so that people know about the business you run so that you can create bigger pizza business opportunities than before. If your pizza business runs smoothly then you can develop a partnership or franchise program system

SWOT Analysis of Pizza Business Opportunities

By paying attention to the explanation above, the business you run can run smoothly according to what was planned and desired. For those who want to start a pizza business, you should also know about the business analysis so that you know the details of the profits and losses that will be obtained.

A SWOT analysis of pizza will analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The first step in conducting a SWOT analysis is to look at internal factors in the business. The internal factors that must be analyzed are the strengths and weaknesses of the pizza company. Businesspeople have to look at what things their pizza business has.

  • Delicious pizza taste, distinctive and unique flavors.
  • Good service to customers.
  • Strategic sales place
  • Has unique innovations without reducing the main ingredients
  • The price offered is too expensive for the local community.
  • Not affordable for lower class consumers.
  • Many competitors offer much cheaper prices.

After this analysis, what the businessman does is convince consumers to be able to buy the products they make. To face the case of competitors, business people have to convince consumers that even though there are many pizza sellers with cheap prices, the taste and quality are not as good as the pizza they make. Business people can also provide free samples or promotions to buyers

Existing Pizza Business Opportunities
  • Have the opportunity to maintain your business to continue producing pizza products whose quality and taste can be relied upon.
  • Create new pizza business opportunities by opening branches in strategic locations. Strategic locations can make it easier for people to reach business locations.
  • The availability of free wifi will attract visitors.

What can be done is to open new branches one by one, not all at once. This aims to advance the branches and enliven one of the branches first. Use wifi that has good internet speed.

  • Expensive raw materials,
  • Competitors often plagiarize products

Seeing the existing threats, what can be done is that with expensive raw materials, business people can reduce the portion size of the pizza they make until the price of raw materials stabilizes again or the size can also be fixed but the variety of toppings is reduced. Innovate with new products so that consumers don't get bored and fed up. The right to patent the results of your innovation

These are the things in analyzing the pizza business that must be considered when making a SWOT analysis so that the opportunities for profits are greater.

For the smooth running of the pizza business that you want to run, you should support it with adequate machine technology so that the pizza making process will run smoothly as you planned and wanted. Regarding the business technology machine that you can use to facilitate the process of making pizza, it is a 2-rack electric oven machine. The 2-rack electric oven is a business machine that can be used to make the pizza oven process easier and practical when used.

Examples of Successful Pizza Business Opportunities

With so many pizza restaurant businesses currently running, every restaurant has to compete to create and innovate its food products. There are also many pizza restaurants that eventually fail due to intense competition between pizza businesses which is caused by a lack of quality, service and creativity in running the business.

Talking about quality, my friends are definitely familiar with pizza restaurants which are very famous throughout the world, yup… Pizza Hut is one of the famous restaurants whose food quality is taken into account by the world. Of course, everything that Pizza Hut faced didn't happen instantly. Want to know how this famous restaurant struggled to achieve its glory? Check out the following short story from an example of a successful pizza business.

Pizza Hut

Pizza Hut is an American restaurant chain and international franchise founded in 1958 in Wichita, Kansas by the Carney brothers. The company is known for its Italian-American menu, including pizza and pasta, side dishes and meals.

The history of Pizza Hut began when in 1958, the two Carney brothers borrowed US$ 600 from their mother to open a pizza business in Wichita with their partner John Bender. The two brothers then rented a small building in downtown and bought used equipment to make pizza. They also gave it the name Pizza Hut, because the nameplate they used could only contain eight letters.

Two years later,  the first franchise  opened in Canada. with the formation of the International Pizza Hut Franchise Holders Association (IPHFHA). It aims to acquire 40% of the company's franchises, or 120 stores, and add them to Pizza Hut's six wholly owned outlets.

Then, in 1969, the current red roof logo was applied to the Pizza Hut name. Then, it only took 12 years for Pizza Hut to become the number one franchised pizza restaurant business in the world. In 1971, in terms of sales and number of restaurants, Pizza Hut was superior to other pizza restaurant businesses. In 1995, Pizza Hut innovated  a stuffed crust  or filled bread edge. this innovation boosted their pizza sales

Pizza Hut became the first company to deliver pizza to the International Space Station. Currently, Pizza Hut is still operational and within each country has more than 16,000 branches in more than 100 countries. SOURCE

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