Running a hydroponic vegetable business is very promising. Because with hydroponics we can be healthy by eating healthy vegetables. Hydroponic vegetable businesses can bring in abundant profits and last in the long term.

As agricultural land decreases, many people are starting to change their farming methods to hydroponic systems. Who would have thought, the hydroponic plant business could also be a profitable mainstay, you know!

Want to know the secret of the hydroponic plant business with a profit of IDR 50 million every month?

Profitable Hydroponic Plant Business Ideas

Having your own business is considered more enjoyable than working outside by some people. Because in business you are the boss.

No matter how small the business is, you are the boss, not an employee. Because it doesn't work for anyone else. However, getting into the world of business is indeed difficult and easy.

There are many challenges that you have to overcome in order for your business to become big.

Choosing a business idea also cannot be done haphazardly, you know. If you carelessly create a business without proper preparation, paying attention to market opportunities and targets, then the business will lose direction.

One of the businesses that is currently being run is the hydroponic plant business.

This hydroponic plant business emerged as a solution for those of you who want to do a plant business but have limited land area.

It is not surprising that this business is mostly pursued by urban residents who in fact have limited open land.

Profit IDR 50 Million with Hydroponic Plant Business

Even though the planting area is limited, this does not mean that the hydroponic plant business is not promising. If you are persistent in pursuing it, you can even make a profit of up to IDR 50 million.

Tempting, isn't it? To get to know this plant business better, here are some things you need to know about this business, including the following:

#1 What is the Hydroponic Plant Business?

The hydroponic plant business is a vegetable or fruit growing business carried out on a small area of ​​land.

In contrast to the plant business on conventional land, here you use special planting media so that it can grow well on limited land.

Seeing Opportunities and Analysis of the Hydroponic Plant Business with a Profit of IDR 50 Million Every Month 02 - Finansialku

The hydroponic plant business is very popular nowadays. Apart from that, people are also increasingly aware of the healthy lifestyle that many people are campaigning for.

Such as consuming green food, planting plants and exercising. So it is not surprising that this business is a business that provides promising profits.

Apart from selling plant products, such as fruit and vegetables. You can also sell various equipment for growing hydroponic plants which is also in great demand.

#2 Benefits of Hydroponic Plants

The benefit of hydroponic plants is as an effort to green the environment around the house.

Apart from providing greenery, hydroponic plants can also be used as a quite promising business. In fact, the profits from running this business can reach tens of millions of rupiah.

Seeing Opportunities and Analysis of the Hydroponic Plant Business with a Profit of IDR 50 Million Every Month 03 - Finansialku

The opportunity for this business is also quite large, because currently many people, especially in urban areas, are aware of a healthy lifestyle .

This healthy lifestyle can be started by maintaining a green home environment, such as using the yard or other open spaces as a place for gardening.

Apart from being able to consume yourself, the results from planting this plant can also be sold to provide additional income. Gardening activities are also positive activities that can be done in your free time.

Many successful hydroponic plant entrepreneurs started from their hobby of planting and caring for plants. Who would have thought that this hobby could make him gain profits of up to tens of millions of rupiah.

#3 Capital and Profits

Although this hydroponic plant business can be done on limited land, such as your yard. That doesn't mean running this business without capital.

At a minimum, you need plant seeds , planting media and various other plant care equipment.

However, you need to know that the selling price of these hydroponic garden plants has a significant difference, so that in a short period of time the capital you spend can be quickly recouped.

Potential of the New ST003 SBN which is Fully Guaranteed by the Government 02 Investment Capital - Finansialku

To find out the difference in selling prices between hydroponic and conventional plants, below is a list of several products.

  • Coconut lettuce ( Butterhead ) has a selling price of IDR 8,500 per vegetable.
  • Coy lettuce ( Romaine ) has a selling price of IDR 8,500 per vegetable.
  • Curly lettuce has a selling price of IDR 8,500 per vegetable.
  • Pakcoy which has a selling price of IDR 7,500 per vegetable.

Looking at some of the prices for hydroponic plants above, you can compare that the prices of hydroponic and conventional plant products have quite a big difference.

So it is not surprising that the turnover from this plant business can reach tens of millions of rupiah. After seeing the list of selling prices for hydroponic plants on the market, then you need to calculate the initial capital to run this business.

You need to underline that in running a hydroponic plant business, you do not need conventional planting media, namely soil.

Because hydroponic plants require a planting medium that is nutritious water. In this hydroponic planting system, the water used is not just any water.

The water is filled with nutrients that can make plants grow well and have good quality.

Therefore, in hydroponic planting, you do not need pesticides to care for it, because the plants planted will not be attacked by plant pests or diseases.

To be able to plant using this hydroponic method, you must carry out a hydroponic installation with a budget of more than IDR 50 million.

Hydroponic Plant Business Analysis

Before you pursue this business, you need to know that the hydroponic plant business does not require a greenhouse.

For example, if you want to grow mr. choy vegetables, the land area required is approximately 150 m 2 .

This land is land used for planting, while hydroponic installation land requires a land area of ​​approximately 100m 2 .

The total population of plants planted can reach 11,200 plants. The time needed to plant pak choy vegetables to harvest is 28 to 30 days.

If one kilogram of pak choy contains 16 vegetables and the price of hydroponic pak choy vegetables reaches IDR 40,000.

Then you just multiply both. Not to mention if mr. choy vegetables are sold in 25 gram packs, of course the profits will be greater. Sumber

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