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Fiverr is a site where you can sell/buy goods/services starting from just $5. There are really good services but there are also funny things. Common services offered on Fiverr are graphic design services, digital marketing, professional voice actors and copywriters. But, that doesn't mean Fiverr is only for professionals, there are also services such as taking photos with brand logos in certain places, singing birthday songs in several languages ​​to create funny dances.

The funniest thing ever offered on Fiverr in my opinion is ‘dating status' with a beautiful girl on Facebook for 1 month. Remember! This is just a status, so just make selfie photos to post to make friends of people who use their services jealous.

So is Fiverr a scam? Is it worth hiring freelancers on Fiverr? Is it worth it for freelancers to dedicate their time to working on Fiverr? Having used Fiverr as both a Freelancer and a Client, I will be in the best position to answer these questions. So let's find out the answers to these questions and more in this Fiverr Review. The short answer is No, Fiverr is not a scam. However, freelancers listed on Fiverr can be scammers. That happens very much on every freelance website.

Is Fiverr Legit? Definitely!

Fiverr hosts some of the best deals for freelance work in most industries, from copywriting to logo design, some for as little as $5! But with mixed reviews and no freelancer screening process (unless you pay extra for Pro Verified sellers), it’s understandable if you have some doubts.

Because we know how hard it can be to find professional freelancers, and how frustrating it is to hire someone who can’t fulfill their promises, we put Fiverr to the test. We analyzed its features, ease of use, quality of service, customer support, and more.

In fact, we’ve taken a very close look at Fiverr’s offerings. My team and I used Fiverr as part of our quest to find the best logo design service. We tested Fiverr at three different price points – low, medium, and high – to understand truly if higher price meant higher quality. You can read about our test in our review of Fiverr’s logo design service.

Before you put your time and money on the line, read our in-depth review to know once and for all – is Fiverr a safe choice for your projects?

Are you looking to sell your services on Fiverr? This review is for buyers, but see our guide on how to create a successful gig on Fiverr to get set up! Follow these steps to make sure your gig will get the most clicks.


Everything You Need to Find the Right Freelancers

Fiverr makes contacting and hiring a freelancer pretty easy. While the massive pool of talent can feel overwhelming, the search functionality definitely simplifies the process (more on that later). And the seller review system helps remove any doubts about their ability to perform.

A funny thing happened after we wrote this review – we started to use Fiverr more and more for our own business. We realized you can find a freelancer for anything you may think of on Fiverr (this is one of the craziest in my opinion), and that can save you lots of time and money.

Minimize Risk With Easy-To-Read Seller Levels

On Fiverr, you can instantly size up a freelancer’s reliability and quality. All you have to do is check the seller level that appears near their username. This can save time by helping you quickly eliminate anyone who hasn’t proven themselves on the platform. A seller level is based on delivery time, customer satisfaction, and service quality.

These are the four seller levels:

  • New Seller – This is where every freelancer starts. It’s a sign that a seller is relatively inexperienced.
  • Level One Seller – A seller can reach the first level after 60 days, but only if they’ve completed at least 10 gigs with a high level of satisfaction.
  • Level Two Seller – Only sellers who have been on Fiverr for 120 days and have delivered 50 highly-rated and on-time orders will reach this level.
  • Top-Rated Seller – If a seller’s Top Rated, it’s an excellent sign that they’ll be reliable. These freelancers have been on Fiverr for at least 180 days, and have delivered over 100 orders (earning at least $20,000), all while keeping their buyers satisfied.

Skills That Cover Every Niche

When it comes to the variety of skills and services, Fiverr is hard to beat. You can find sellers who’ll design a WordPress site for you, manage your social media marketing campaign, edit your promotional video, or even carve your name into a tree. If someone is willing to pay for it, it’s probably available here – as long as it’s legal, of course.

Pro Verified, High-Quality Experts

If you’re willing to pay extra, you can use Fiverr Pro to find the very best freelancers Fiverr has to offer. Pro Verified freelancers must be reviewed and approved by the Fiverr team and are chosen based on their higher education, work experience, and service quality. Hiring a freelancer who has already proved themselves is very reassuring, and I like that there’s a reliable way to guarantee high-quality results on Fiverr.

Are Pro Sellers worth the jump in price? In my opinion, yes. It’s not a budget option, but it’s still less expensive than hiring a big business or employee. You get a big boost in quality – Pro Verified sellers are more experienced than other freelancers and deliver more professional, polished work. If you want to avoid hiring a bad seller on Fiverr, restricting your search to “pro services” is a surefire way to do it.

And not all of them charge thousands of dollars. Browsing a few different categories, I was able to find more affordable Pro Sellers pretty easily.

If Things Go Wrong, You Have Plenty of Options

While Fiverr is loaded with talented freelancers who won’t let you down, you may encounter those that can’t deliver on their promises from time to time. Thankfully, if you pay for a gig and the seller turns out to be unreliable, you have several different ways to deal with it.

First, if a seller is late and unresponsive for 24 hours, you’re free to cancel the order and get a refund. If your freelancer delivers work that doesn’t meet the conditions that were agreed upon, you can turn to Fiverr’s Resolution Center and try to work things out. If you can’t come to an agreement with your seller, you can always turn to the Customer Support team to resolve things.

Fiverr gives you another safety net, too. Once you mark your order as completed, your funds will enter a “pending” status for 14 days (7 days for Top-Rated sellers). During this time, if you’re unsatisfied with the service or finished product, you can make a dispute. Keep in mind that after this safety period, your payment will transfer completely to the freelancer.

Work Done Fast

If you need a job done quickly, Fiverr could be the perfect solution. Most freelancers have turnaround times of 48 hours or less. Also, you usually have the option to pay a bit more to get your work done even faster. When you really need to get a project started as soon as possible, you can search for freelancers that are currently online and start the conversation immediately.

Find Freelancers on the Go

Fiverr offers a great app that’s available for iOS and Android, so you can find quality help no matter where you are. The apps are well-designed and easy to use. Scrolling through gigs works well on mobile, and I never felt lost in the UI. Once you hire a freelancer, it’s really helpful to be able to contact them and check for updates even when you’re away from your computer.

Don’t Break the Bank

While some services can get pricey, it’s totally possible to get professional work done for as little as $5. One way to get affordable rates is to hire a new seller. While there is a bit more risk involved, new sellers will often charge lower rates while establishing themselves.

But you can get better quality services for good prices, too. Fiverr has a wide range of price rates for bigger budgets, where you can get freelancers with thousands of positive reviews for a lower cost than I’ve seen on other freelance sites.

Fiverr Features at a Glance

Signup fee
Transaction fee5.5% (+ $2.50 for orders below $75)
Money-back guarantee*✘ (but you can cancel/refund orders if a seller is unresponsive)
24/7 support
Conflict resolution

You can also contact any potential freelancers before you commit to anything. This way, you can get a sense of their professionalism and make sure you’re both comfortable with the project’s scope.


It Doesn’t Get Much Easier Than This

Fiverr is an incredibly user-friendly platform. The site is super intuitive and offers several great tools to help you weed through the massive pool of talent. Below, you’ll find some of the more notable features that make hiring on Fiverr a breeze.

If you want to hire a freelancer on Fiverr, it’s really easy to get started.

Filter Out Undesirables

Unlike other platforms, like Upwork or Freelancer.com, Fiverr offers customized search filters depending on the type of work you need done.

For example, if you’re looking for a writer, the filters will include a section for the tone, type, and topic of the piece you need. If you’re in need of a logo designer, the filters will let you choose the file format, the style you’re looking for, and more.

When looking for a logo designer, I put Fiverr’s filters to the test. Simply by limiting the results to sellers that were currently online, work in 3D, and can provide a JPEG, I was able to bring the number of freelancers down from 3,400+ to a far more manageable 71.

But don’t take our word for it. Watch as one of our reviewers tried buying logos at different price points on Fiverr. Which one did he like the most? Watch to find out.

Multiple Ways to Search the Site

On Fiverr, you can search through available gigs or post custom jobs so freelancers come to you. To post a job, sign in to Fiverr and click on your profile picture in the top right. Then, just select the Post a Request button, and create a listing that freelancers can bid on. After that, you just need to choose the seller with the best proposal and price.

This is ideal if you’re in need of something super specific and are struggling to find the perfect gig offering. Posting a job costs nothing, and you only pay once a freelancer has been hired.

Profiles That Won’t Leave You Surprised

Thanks to the easy-to-read profile system, you can quickly eliminate underperformers. Fiverr profiles are loaded with useful info like reviews from previous clients, average response time, and a portfolio of past work. If you like a specific freelancer, you can also check out what other gigs they have on offer.

A poorly-written profile is a big red flag. By keeping an eye out for particularly bad spelling or a lack of details, you can eliminate a lot of duds. It’s also a good idea to communicate with your potential freelancer before you start a contract. A lot of negative client reviews are simply a result of poor communication and a misunderstanding of expectations.

Hiring on Fiverr can be overwhelming with so many freelancers to choose from. Two tricks to simplify the process: build relationships with freelancers that consistently deliver, and take the time to post detailed job requests with specific project requirements and necessary qualifications. This way, you’ll find skilled and dedicated sellers while avoiding unsuitable candidates.



Decent Support and an Awesome Help Center

In order to see just how good Fiverr’s customer support is, I put it to the test. Fiverr only gives you two options for contacting support:

  1. Email
  2. Submitting a request ticket through the Buyer Help Center

Although I received helpful replies when contacting them, Fiverr’s representatives took their time to respond. This is not ideal if you have a serious issue requiring immediate assistance.

I first reached out to Fiverr to ask about switching from a standard account to a Business account. Although you can switch between seller and buyer mode at any time, it turns out you need a completely new account to access Business:

The representative was helpful, but ideally, I wouldn’t have to wait almost a full day to hear back from them.

The same happened the next day when I contacted support about some fee information inconsistencies on the website:

The representative apologized for not getting to me sooner and went on to answer my question in detail. They also linked a Help Center guide containing more information about Fiverr’s fees.

Speaking of which, the Help Center is where you’ll find blogs, step-by-step tutorials, advice, and instructional videos. These resources offer in-depth answers to the questions you are most likely to have. There’s also a forum where you can pose your question to other users, or search to see if it’s already been answered.

Before reaching out to Customer Support, it’s a good idea to check these resources first. They can provide answers to many common questions, and it will likely be faster to find the information you need. If, after consulting these resources, you still can’t find an answer to your question, you can then consider contacting Customer Support as a last resort.



Making an account and posting requests to hire freelancers is completely free. The only time you’ll pay any fees on Fiverr is when you buy a service. The charge is pretty reasonable and is based on a percentage of the total job cost. You’ll rarely pay more than a few bucks.

The system automatically adjusts the displayed cost of each gig to align with your location’s currency, eliminating the need for manual calculations. Fiverr additionally offers various payment methods, encompassing major credit cards, PayPal, and Apple Pay (accessible through the mobile app).

All payments are made upfront and held in escrow. Fiverr will not release funds to your seller until after you’ve approved the work. If the work doesn’t meet your standards, you can give your freelancer the chance to resubmit or cancel the order. And if you run into any problems, you can always turn to Customer Service to help mediate.

Remember, after a seller delivers your work, you have just three days (or 14 days for orders that require shipping) to accept or decline it. If you don’t respond by the third day, the system will automatically release your money.


Overall, Fiverr is a great platform to find professional freelancers at all price ranges. While Fiverr reviews vary from “bad” to “best”, most complaints against the website come from sellers. Buyers, on the other hand, have little to worry about.

While there are some unreliable and unqualified sellers out there, Fiverr gives you plenty of ways to identify them, such as reviews from past clients and seller ratings.

Fiverr is a safe and easy place to find a freelancer for almost any service. If you need an extra hand, you should definitely give it a try. Personally, I’ve had nothing but positive experiences when hiring through this popular platform.


Is Fiverr legit?

Fiverr is a legitimate platform where freelancers and clients can connect and collaborate. It has a strong reputation and is widely used for various services. However, it’s essential to exercise caution and examine the platform’s detailed profiles when hiring to ensure a positive experience.

Is my money safe on Fiverr?

Yes, your money is safe – Fiverr is Level 1 PCI-compliant. It’s also worth noting that your funds aren’t released immediately. It takes two full weeks for sellers to receive payments, giving you plenty of time to cancel your order or request a refund by disputing if necessary.

How much does Fiverr take from you?

Fiverr charges a 5.5% fee on top of your order. If your order is below $75, you’ll have to pay an additional $2.50 small order fee. Although not ideal, these fees are more or less in line with the industry standard for online marketplaces.

Is Upwork better than Fiverr?

It all depends on what your specific needs are. If you need a job done as quickly as possible (and at an excellent price), Fiverr is the place to go. There’s so much variety, and the UI is very user-friendly. Upwork is a decent alternative with its many work tools if you want to establish long-term relationships with freelancers.

Fiverr Details

Payment Methods:

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