Alamy Reviews – Best Stock Photo, Vectors and Video, a playground for creatives looking for fresh and inclusive content creative collections.
Discover Alamy's culture and vision
We’re Alamy, a playground for creatives looking for fresh and inclusive content. Our creative collections offer unrivalled inspiration for brands including Netflix, Ogilvy and Red Bull. Drawing from more than 150,000 content creators from every country in the world, our search empowers you to find creative and editorial stock photos, vectors, 360-degree images and videos faster.
At Alamy, we believe in the awesome pursuit of creative people and that difference and diversity powers the creative mind. We work with integrity, being considered and transparent in our actions and we respect each other by being inclusive, supportive and brave enough to set aside the safe option.
We live by the following statements: Put the customer first. Succeed (and fail) as a team. Strive for Better. Be Bold & Be Brave. Do the right thing.
We work with content creators around the world
Our dedicated contributor team support our artists, empowering them to shoot with confidence so that we can offer diverse and authentic content. We're also committed to fostering the future of creativity. With our ‘100% students' project, we give 100% of the money students make from image sales on Alamy while they study. Become a contributor here.
We’ve made it our business to keep on evolving
Founded in 1999, Alamy was built on a vision to change the world of picture buying. Since then, we’ve evolved. We exist to electrify creativity by acting as a catalyst for creators and contributors, helping you to take risks and realise your unique visions.
Whether you're a pro photographer looking to boost revenue, a hobbyist eager to monetise your photos, or a graphic designer encouraged to sell your art, we've got you covered. We pay out over $1 million every month to our contributors, helping over 150,000 creatives from around the world.
Become an Alamy contributor and see your work used by picture buyers globally—from newspapers and books to billboards, TV shows and websites—you'll earn up to 50% commission for each use (100% if you're a student!).
Student photographer earnings
Are you a student? We know how hard it can be pursuing your creative endeavours and let’s be honest, nobody wants to work for exposure! That’s why we’re committed to giving students 100% commission for any direct image licence sold on Alamy. Start now and learn how to maximise your earnings through stock photography.