So, here is a good reminder from author Sharon Armstrong about how to avoid eight performance evaluation pitfalls. These are in what I consider is the best chapter of the book The Essential HR Handbook, that she co-authored with Barbara Mitchell.
1. Clustering everyone in the middle performance-rating categories
2. Overlooking flaws or exaggerating the achievements of favored employees
3. Excusing substandard performance or behavior because it is widespread
4. Letting one characteristic – positive or negative – affect your overall assessment
5. Rating someone based on the company he or she keeps
6. Rating someone based on a grudge you are holding
7. Rating someone based on a short time period instead of the entire evaluation period
8. Rating everyone high, to make you look good
There's other great information in this 250-page book that is valuable for any manager, and especially good for managers who are new in their leadership position.
When Armstrong isn't writing books, she's reading. One of her favorite books is The 7 Hidden Reasons Employees Leave, written by Leigh Branham of the company Keeping The People, Inc., based in Overland Park, KS.