How to Activate Ok Google Lumos?

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    With the help of google assistant, google has provided very cool and new features to its users, which are excellent to use. About the word Lumos, the news was spread in January 2022 that if iPhone and Android users spell Lumos Maxima to Ok Google and Sri or Ok Google Lumos, then it will automatically be switched on the flashlight of their smartphones. If they speak the word Nox, then the flashlight of their smartphone will be turned off.

    How to Activate Ok Google Lumos?

    As per the news from some of the sources, we came to know that the attractive Ok Google Lumos features have been introduced to reckon the reunion of the 20th anniversary of harry potter: Return to Hogwarts. This feature is designed by both Google and Warner Bros jointly.

    For more in-depth details regarding Ok Google Lumos, just keep reading the following article.

    Ok Google Lumos Maxima

    In the novels and films of Harry Potter, the word Lumos Maxima is used. The tip of the wand lights up on the wand when the word lumos Maxima is spelled so by the magician so that this light will be helpful for the magician to see in the dark.

    After some time, the news of turning on the flashlight of the iPhone came after saying Lumos Maxima to Siri and Ok Google and to turn this light off the word nox is used to spell.

    Process for Turning on Flashlight on Your iPhone

    1. Open Ok Google or Siri on your iPhone.
    2. Now just tap on it and say Ok, Google Lumos Maxima.
    3. After saying this, you will see that the flashlight of your smartphone will be turned on.
    4. To turn the flashlight off, just spell Nox, and you will see that the flashlight will be turned off.

    Some of the Spells of Harry Potter that work on both Android and iOS Phones

    Lumos and Nox

    By saying the spell Lumos Maxima and Lumos, it has been tried by every harry potter fan at least once to turn on the flashlight of their mobile phones. This feature will not work on home appliances, but yes, it will work on your smartphones.

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    Spelling the word is super easy and works amazingly on both iPhones and Android mobile phones in the same way. For this, there is Siri for Apple users, and there is Google Assistant for Android once.


    We saw that the word accio is used to bring any non-movable object to the caster which may or may not be in sight. Using the word accio in Google Assistant and Siri by saying Hey Google or Hey Siri followed by the name of any of the particular apps will help in opening the app automatically.


    to silence the toad in vain by Ron in Harry Potter to successfully mute a large raven silencio is used. Spelling Hey Google, Ok Google or Hey Siri, followed by the word silencio, will help to mute the ringers and notification sounds on your mobile.

    Wrapping it up

    There are so many exciting tricks and hacks by Google which are very worth trying, like Ok Google Lumos and many more. With the help of it, you can turn on and off the flashlight of your mobile phone very easily and quickly. The spell of Lumos works amazingly on both Android and ios devices.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    What happens on Android mobile phones after saying Ok, Google Lumos?

    When you open the Google Assistant on your Android smartphone and speak Ok Google Lumos, the flashlight of your smartphone will automatically get turned on.

    Is the word Lumos applicable on iPhones?

    Yes, it works on iPhone as after taping on Siri and saying Lumos, the flashlight of your smartphone will get turned on.

    What is the process for connecting to Lumos?

    To connect to Lumos, you have to open the app of Lumos and then, turn on the Bluetooth of your smartphone and then go to all devices and now pair it with a new helmet.

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