It was fantastic to see the Year in Business students graduating on July 11th in Royal Holloway's beautiful chapel in Founders, and then emerging into the sunshine to celebrate both the success in their Degrees and Career plans going forward. A massive congratulations to all the Management Year in Business students. We are so proud of all you have achieved! Every single student doing a placement year across 2017/18 secured a First or 2:1 with a massive 71% of those achieving a First!
Special Congratulations to Carolina Portilla who achieved the Award for Best Overall Academic Achievement Final Year Undergraduate Year in Business award.
Some Graduands such as Amy Taylor (Enterprise Rent a Car) and Shuvangi Sen Chaudhury (design codes) are returning to the Companies where they completed their placements. Others have used their Placement year experience to secure graduate jobs in other companies and are delighted with their success : Emily Howard has joined Content Guru, Rosie Toe has joined Reed Exhibitions, Gemma Doyle has joined Wayfair, Jack Skinner will join FDM and Freddy Ihnen will join Gartner. Other Graduands such as Camille Marichy are going onto further study : Camille has secured a prestigous Masters course in Paris.
We wish everyone the best in their chosen career – do please keep in touch!
Some of the Year in Business students are pictured below: