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E-Commerce and Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing

1. E-Commerce

  1. What is e-commerce? Write its advantages and disadvantages.
  2. What are different E-Commerce business models? explain.
  3. What are the four C's rules in e-commerce? Explain.
  4. Explain supply chain management (SCM) with a suitable diagram.
2. E-Commerce Payment
  1. What is a payment gateway? Explain.
  2. What are the different modes of e-payment? Explain.
  3. Explain threats and protections for the E-Commerce payment system.
  4. Explain the credit/debit card payment gateway. How does it work?
3. Principles of Digital Marketing
  1. What is digital marketing? Write its objectives.
  2. Explain Search Engine Marketing.
  3. What are content marketing and blogging?
  4. Explain Lead generation.
  5. Write short notes on the following.
  • Google Adwords.
  • Social Media Marketing.
  • Landing Page.
  • Conversion page.
  • Thank you page.
  • E-Mail marketing.
  • Google analytics.
  • Video marketing.
4. Search Engine Optimization
  1. What is SEO and how does it work?
  2. What should we have to do SEO settings?
  3. Explain different types of SEO in detail.
  4. What are keywords? Write the way to use them and organize them.
  5. Explain the working of SEO in short with a diagram.
  6. What is Brainstorming? Why is it used?
  7. What are the methods to find more and more original ideas?
  8. What is the Landing page? Why is it used?
  9. What are the differences between the Landing Page and the Homepage of a website?
  10. Why IMAGES are used on a website?  
  11. What is the role of IMAGES in a website to get ranked?
5. Google Adwords

  1. Write the ways for setting up the Adwords Campaigns.
  2. Write the procedures to find and select the right keyword.
  3. Explain Ads and Ad Group.
  4. Write the procedure to create an effective ad.
  5. How do configure, set up, and monitor ads?
6. Google Analytics

  1. What is google analytics? How to create google analytics account?
  2. What is google analytics? Explain the components of its Dashboard.
  3. How to track social media traffic and SEO Traffic?
  4. What are the business goals and objectives of google analytics?
  5. How to link google ads and google analytics? Explain.
  6. How to link Adwords and google analytics? Explain.
  7. Why do we need Google Tag Manager? Explain.
  8. What are the benefits of social media traffic analysis?
  9. Explain the following.
  • Bounce Rate.
  • ROI Analytics. 
7. Social Media Marketing


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