In this article I will discuss about entrepreneurial marketing. To learn more, you must understand about the definition of these two words. According to Gartner (1990) entrepreneurship is the concept of value creation, growth, and innovation. While the marketing according to the AMA (American Marketing Association) is an organizational function and a process of creating, communicating, and delivering value to consumers. Not only that, but marketing also serves to manage the relationship with the consumer in order to receive benefits for the organization and its stakeholders.
From the two definitions above, there is a difference between entrepreneurship and marketing, but the two terms can be related to each other. So that entrepreneurial marketing is a proactive approach in identifying and exploiting opportunities in order to gain and retain customers. The conclusion is this concept can be said to be an entrepreneurial approach in running the marketing function.
I've explained a skill that you must have to be a powerful marketer in the soft skills in marketing article. If you want to succeed, you must apply it. Entrepreneurial marketing is largely determined by the entrepreneurial mind. What is the difference between an entrepreneurial marketer and traditional marketer? These are things that distinguish them, an entrepreneur marketer is a innovative, risk taker, proactive, and opportunity-oriented marketer.
As explained above, the key elements of entrepreneurship and marketing is innovation. Marketing performers bring these innovations into the market. They provide an added value product when compared to current products on the market. The point is entrepreneurial marketing performers are able to make a change for the better or give better solutions than ever before.

Examples of marketing techniques drawn from the spirit of entrepreneurship:
1. Guerilla marketing.
This technique is a low-cost marketing techniques but have high impact. Many small and medium scale enterprises are applying guerilla marketing to counter the large firm. I've noticed that there are medium-sized companies that can beat the market share of large-scale enterprise with this technique. To implement this technique, you must have a high entrepreneurial skills. The key word is innovative and focused on things that are simple but have a big effect.
This technique is a low-cost marketing techniques but have high impact. Many small and medium scale enterprises are applying guerilla marketing to counter the large firm. I've noticed that there are medium-sized companies that can beat the market share of large-scale enterprise with this technique. To implement this technique, you must have a high entrepreneurial skills. The key word is innovative and focused on things that are simple but have a big effect.
You can read my previous writings on this subject in the smart marketing namely guerilla marketing and guerilla media.
2. Buzz marketing.
I'm sure you’ve already known about word of mouth (WoM). Buzz marketing is a new form of WoM. Entrepreneurs are the actors who usually try to stimulate the market for its products to become topic of conversation. So is the actor entreprenurial marketing, they are trying to build a good product name, increase a consumer positive impression of the product by providing the right information into the market. In essence they are skilled to communicate in all directions, so the brand becomes the center of attention and topic of conversation in the market.
I'm sure you’ve already known about word of mouth (WoM). Buzz marketing is a new form of WoM. Entrepreneurs are the actors who usually try to stimulate the market for its products to become topic of conversation. So is the actor entreprenurial marketing, they are trying to build a good product name, increase a consumer positive impression of the product by providing the right information into the market. In essence they are skilled to communicate in all directions, so the brand becomes the center of attention and topic of conversation in the market.
3. Viral marketing.
Viral marketing is one application of buzz marketing which use social media both online and offline. The way it works is like a computer virus that spreads so quickly through the network or the internet. This technique allows the implementation of WoM spread faster and wider.
Viral marketing is one application of buzz marketing which use social media both online and offline. The way it works is like a computer virus that spreads so quickly through the network or the internet. This technique allows the implementation of WoM spread faster and wider.
Characters that can be applied in your marketing activities are highly motivated, have the intuition of business, have a clear vision, innovator, risk taker, not easily satisfied, persistent, problem solver.
Conclusion, if you want to achieve success in your marketing career, immediately implement the above characters.