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About Us

Ubuy has made its mark in the e-commerce world in 2012, as a cross-border shopping platform serving more than 180 countries.

Through its website and app, Ubuy provides over 300 million brand-new, unique products from the best international brands in the US, the UK, and other countries.

Ubuy enables seamless and confined payment methods as well as faster checkouts while amplifying the shopper's experience. As an International Shopping doorway, we bring quality products from luxury brands to customers' doorsteps from around the world with the assistance of the most trusted courier partners in the industry.

world map

Ubuy’s Journey

Journey Begins in Kuwait.

As an international shopping platform Ubuy has commenced its operations in many parts of the MENA Region, including Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Egypt, Kuwait Abroad, and others.

Ubuy has opened online stores in 50+ countries, which include New Zealand, India, Australia, South Africa, and Hong Kong.

Ubuy has improved the shopping experience of customers by expanding its reach to 90+ countries along with a vast category of authentic & genuine products.


Now available in 180 + countries and counting while looking forward to creating dominance in the International shopping sector.

Why Do We Stand Out?

Special global brands & international products from around the world.

More than 300 million products in the store await you, such as fashion, electronics, beauty, and much more.

Specially curated payment methods to comfortably enhance your overall shopping experience.

Cross-border shopping Experience.

Highly reliable Customer Support Service.

Global Presence

Add an international punch to your abroad shopping spree with Ubuy. We have already laid our steps in the international market and are growing to be a globally renowned marketplace in different continents such as:

Our Growth

It's been an amazing journey that we are still planning to go on with. Most asked how we've grown so quickly; It is quite a simple question to answer. We have always put our customers as our first priority. Focus on ensuring that customers get the finest and perhaps most affordable products on the market. We take care of it by utilising our comprehensive logistics networks. Another important factor behind our success is our after-sale support team that takes care of customers' needs and demands are met. Internally, we call this our supercalifragilisticexpialidocious philosophy.

As a new uprising global shopping platform Ubuy is always looking forward to gaining a new perspective while keeping its core values intact.

Core Values:

Drive Change

Be Passionate

Pursue Growth

Be Creative

Do More With Less

Customer Service Isn't Just
A Department!

These values are what have defined us in past and will reflect us well in the future. Still looking forward to being a global shopping platform. Ubuy is aiming to offer superior quality, eccentric globally renowned products to customers worldwide. Our success is nothing more than the consistent support offered to us by our loyal customers who have helped us clear all the obstacles coming in our path.

Customers are the Whole & Soul and we respect them.

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