‘Papi Organic Supermarket' is a a company created by two friends, James Platt and Wayne Taylor, with a vision to create an organic supermarket chain. James Platt graduated from the University of Birmingham in 2020 with a Masters in Environment, Development and Politics and he is now working with business partner Wayne to attract investors and turn the idea into a working reality.
The business is at an early stage of development and the duo are working towards the goal of opening the first store in the city of Chester with future ambitions to expand the brand further afield.
James Platt |
James: Papi Organic was born with the idea that we wanted to create the UKs most eco-friendly supermarket chain. You see the odd organic shop dotted around the country but even if you have one of these near you, they don’t stock everything you need. We want to, simply, give shoppers the best supermarket experience, but with every single product being eco-friendly.
My friend Wayne had the original idea for Papi Organic and he roped me in because of my expertise in a few key areas. We are currently in the funding stage of the business and approaching key investors wanting to help make a change to the ordinary.
I’ve always wanted to own my own business, make the rules, implement the changes, lead from the front. I have learnt quickly that working in a start-up isn’t easy and that it isn’t a straight road, you need to consider many different alternatives on your business path.
Wayne Taylor |
Visit Papi Organic's website here
Blog written by James Platt – photos supplied with kind permission James Platt and Wayne Taylor
Edited by Bob Lee, B-Enterprising